Benefits of Using a Clothesline

Benefits of Using a Clothesline

Let me start off with this: growing up, my family had a clothesline. I despised it. "Kaitlyn, bring in the clothes from the line" was like hearing nails on a chalkboard if I'm being honest. I never appreciated or even realized the benefits the clothesline was providing. Now that we have our own clothesline, I find so much peace just from hanging the clothes out to dry.

Build your own clothesline for under $70 with our DIY guide:

It's safe to say that I've come to realize line drying clothing isn't just about drying the clothes per se. I've found several advantages from it, and I'm sharing them with you so that maybe you, if you don't already, can start reaping the benefits too!

  1. Smells fresher without paying for it! The sun will naturally help kill bacteria on the clothing. Add in the fresh outdoor air and your laundry will smell amazing without having to pay for dryer sheets and other chemical fresheners. One of the things I missed the most when I left home was how my clothes, sheets, and towels smelled like sunshine!
  2. Speaking of not paying, it's free and conserves energy! An electric clothes dryer is one of the top 3 most energy consuming appliances in American households. Instead, line drying your clothes will reduce your carbon footprint, prolong the life of your dryer, and save you money in the long run.
  3. No static cling, won't shrink clothes, and more gentle on them! The dryer tumbles your clothes, causing friction, which can wear them down over time. The dryer lint you have to keep throwing away? That's fiber from your clothing. Drying your clothes on the line won't cause your clothes to break down, shrink, or develop static.
  4. Gets you outside. This one speaks for itself. I love an excuse to be outside. It may take more time to individually hang up each piece of clothing on the line rather than toss them all in the dryer at once, but sometimes it's nice to be forced to slow down and take in what is around you and smell some fresh air!
  5. No fire risk I may just be exaggerating, but I've always been scared to leave my dryer running when I leave the house because I don't want to come back to a burned down house. It's as simple as no dryer use, no fire risk.
  6. If you have kids, it's an easy chore! I can't believe I just said that... if teenage Kaitlyn read what I just wrote, she would've rolled her eyes. BUT it's true! Bringing clothes in from the line is a super simple task that will not only get your kids outside, but teach them some responsibility.
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